Administrative/Professional April spotlight: Steve Suess – News

Every month, the Administrative/Professional (A/P) Council highlights an A/P staff member through a series of questions as another way for the Illinois State University community to connect. This month, readers get to know Steve Suess, director of Convergent Radio Broadcasting, School of Communication.
Job title/position: Director of Convergent Radio Broadcasting, School of Communication
Job duties: My two primary responsibilities are serving as faculty advisor for WZND Radio, a sponsored registered student organization in the School of Communication, and teaching and coordinating the radio and audio production curriculum in the School of Communication. At WZND, I oversee more than 120 students every semester interning in areas both on the microphone and behind the scenes. Each year, I teach a wide range of audio and radio courses, including COM 162, COM 262, COM 214, COM 314, and overseeing radio interns enrolled in COM 398. I also contribute in many ways to the School of Communication on various committees and work groups, the most rewarding (and fun) is helping with the annual School of Communication tailgate for Homecoming.
How long have you been an employee at ISU?: I’ve been in my current position since August 2015. I was also previously a graduate assistant in the School of Communication and held various on-campus positions during my time as a student at ISU, including at WGLT, WZND, TV-10, and University Housing.
What do you love most about working at ISU?: I have the opportunity to mentor and work alongside ISU students every single day. One of the most rewarding parts of my job is watching students grow during their time at WZND; it’s especially rewarding when I can work with them for multiple years. I also love interacting with alumni when they come back to visit. WZND has a very active alumni base, and it’s always great to hear from former students.
What is one fact about yourself that might surprise people?: I’m a frequent and (too) competitive board gamer. Some of my favorites include Ticket to Ride, Catan, Rummikub, Caper: Europe, Azul, and Blood on the Clocktower.
When you’re not working, what are you most likely doing?: I enjoy spending time with my family (wife Hannah, dog Maggie Miley, and cat George). I also do myriad freelance work, including reporting on high school football for WMBD/WYZZ TV, hosting Twin City Trivia Tuesday nights at Lil Beaver Brewery, and announcing for Iron Spirit Pro Wrestling.
What is your favorite spot on campus?: Outside of the areas where I regularly work, my favorite spot is Parking Lot F62. You can catch our group tailgating for most ISU football games. We frequently have a tailgate theme that pays tribute to ISU’s opponent that week. For example, we had an “airline” theme this fall when ISU hosted the Dayton Flyers.
What quote most inspires you? Why?: There’s a canvas outside my office with a very short and direct phrase: “Work hard and be nice to people.” I see it daily when I look into the hallway, and I think many of the WZND students take it to heart as well. It’s been a mantra that’s served me very well over the years.